



Status: Complete

[image: Ribbon with motto, Sapientia, et Doctrina, Stabilitas , written above College Crest]

Fraser, WA - Big Harbor, CB
Fraser, T - Paltimore, Que
Goodwill, TW - Charlettetown, PEI
Grange, WA - Napanee
Graham, PE - Campbellford
Keeney, TF - Woodstock
Kemp, W - Kingston
Longmore, HB - Camden East
Marshall, JW - Chippewa
Maudson, GA - Mitchell
Merklejohn, AJ - Big Springs
Mills, Rhoda - Kingston
McDonald, W - Blackanay
McIlroy, WA - Kingston
McIntyre, A - Winnipeg, Man
McIntyre, WC - Newington
McKenzie, DA - Centreton
McPherson, RJ - Kincardine
Munro, HB - Almonte
Morrison, AS - Hanover
Neish, AC - Kingston
Nimmo, HM - Brockville
Parker, J - Stirling
Paul, HE - Newburgh
Prittie, WT - Kingston
Rammie, A - Menie

[image: morrocan lamp]


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