


Status: Complete


Carried [Underline], and the original resolution as amended being put was
carried [Underline]

Ald: Gaskin brought up the petition of the City Engineer for
permission to cut down old Poplar trees on Barrie Street
On Motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: Shannon
Ordered, that the City Engineer be allowed to cut down
the trees mentioned in his communication

Ald: Gaskin brought up the petition of George Munro Grant
and 1213 others praying that a substantial reduction be made in the
number of licenses to be granted for the next license year
Ald: Gaskin moves seconded by Ald: McLeod
that the petition now submitted respecting Liquor Licenses
be not referred to a Committee but be considered by the Council at this
Meeting and that the number of Licenses to be granted by the License
Commissioners for the City of Kingston for the year 1889 be not greater in
number than thirty three, which number to include Tavern & Saloon Licenses

In Amendment
Ald: W. Robinson moves seconded by Ald: Cruggan
that the resolution do not now pass but that this Council
petition the Dominion Government Parliament to pass law prohibiting
the Manufacturing Importation and sale of all intoxicating liquors in the
Dominion _ which being put was carried [Underline]

Yeas the Mayor, Aldn: Carson, Cruggan, Drennan, Minnes, Polson, Rees
C. Robinson, W. Robinson, Wilson 10.

Nays Messrs Adams, Fenwick, Gaskin, Hiscock, Muckleston, McCammon, McIntyre
McLeod, Shannon 9.

and the original motion was declared lost [Underline]

On Motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: Shannon
Ordered that the Motion of Ald: W. Robinson now
passed be reconsidered

Yeas. Aldermen Adams, Carson, Drennan, Fenwick
Gaskin, Hiscock, Minnes, Muckleston, McCammon
McIntyre, McLeod, Polson, Rees, Shannon 14

Nays the Mayor, Aldn Cruggan, C.Robinson, W. Robinson
Wilson 5.

Ald: McCammon moves seconded by Ald: Polson
that this Council do not refer the petition to the
License Committee but that this Council is content to leave
the issuing of Licenses to the Commissioners under exisiting

In Amendment
Ald: Muckleston moves seconded by Ald: Drennan
that the petition be voted on this evening and not
referred to License Committee _ which being put was carried [Underline]
and the original Motion was lost [Underline].

Ald: Gaskin moves seconded by Ald: McCleod
that the petition of the Revd George Munn Grant DD
and other rate payers relative to the regulation of the number
of Tavern Licenses in the City of Kingston be received and that a
By Law in accordance therewith reducing the number of such

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