


Status: Complete

felt the benefit of this liberality which while intended privately and
unsolicited reached those most deserving of aid and thereby
illustrated his tact to place assistance where it would do the
most good; that we desire to recognize the great good he did
in this connection, also in the matter of education , he being among
the very first to come forward and by a substantial contribution
give a loan to Queens Jubilee fund that resulted in its being
placed on a secure foundation and made a wonderful
success; nor did he forget his church during his prosperity,
nearly every section of the community therefore sustaining a
sever loss in his death and that this Council desires to
certify publicly to his merit as a citizen and one loyal to
Kingston and her institutions; also that a copy of this
resolution be forwarded to the Widow

Petitions were presented as follows:-

From M.W. Claxton and 32 others, by Ald. Gaskin, asking
for the construction of a sewer in Charles street from Patrick street
[margin] M.F. [/margin] to Rideau street. Referred to the [checkmark] [strikethrough] Committee on Streets [/strikethrough]
City Engineers

From Theophelus Allen and 4 others, by Ald. Webster
asking for [strikethrough] a [/strikethrough] side walks and crossings on Stuart street between
University place and St Laurence Avenue and that the side walks
be built outside the Boulevards - and that the street be put in
repair - Referred to the Committee on streets

From O Robinson and W.D. Graves [insert] by Ald. McIntyre [/insert] asking for a remission
of rent of City Hall on the evening of the concert of the First Jubilee

Ald. McIntyre moves seconded by Ald. Webster

That the prayer of the petition of O Robinson
and W.D Graves praying remission of rent of City Hall
be granted - which being put was [underline] lost [/underline]

On motion of Ald. Gaskin seconded by Ald. Minnes

Ordered, That the By Law in reference to rent
of City Hall be carried out in its entirety.

On motion of Ald. McIntyre seconded by Ald. James Swift

Ordered, That this Council instruct His Worship
the Mayor to sign the accompanying petition to the House
of Commons of Canada and forward it to the [strikethrough] minister [/strikethrough]
member for Kingston Sir John A Macdonald for presentation
in the House and that the delegation appointed by this
Council to appear before the Railway Committee be instructed
to prepare a memorial to the House of Commons of Canada
embodying the objections of this Council to the extension
Eastward to the River St Laurence of the N.T.& Q. Railway
as proposed to be authorised by a bill now pending before
that house, also that Ald. McIntyre be added to the deputation
of R R. Committee Re Napanee & Tamworth Bill

Ald. Machar gives notice that he will introduce the
following motion

That this corporation to petition the Legislative


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