


Status: Complete

Ald. Gaskin moves seconded by Ald. Osborne

That the resolution passed at previous meeting
of Council Re exemption be reconsidered - which being put was
carried -

Yeas The Mayor, Aldermen Fenwick, Gaskin, C. Robinson
Machar, Minnes, Muckleston, McCammon, Osborne, Steacy
Swift James, Swift Joseph F., Webster 12

Nays McIntyre, Thompson, Wilson 3

Ald. Muckleston moves seconded by Ald. Webster

That the question to be submitted to the Electors Re
exemption of Manufacturing establishments be changed to
the following "Are you in favor of encouraging Manufacturers
to locate in Kingston by granting exemption to buildings and
Machinery and taxing land only

In Amendment

Ald. Machar moves seconded by Ald. Osborne

That the following be the question asked - "Are you
in favor of exempting $400 of the assessed value of the building
of every dwelling house - which being put was [underline] lost [/underline] [insert] Yeas 3, Nays 10 [/insert] and the
original being put was [underline] carried [/underline]

Yeas The Mayor Aldn Gaskin, C. Robinson, Minnes, Mucklestone
Osborne, Steacy, Swift James, Swift Joseph F 8

Nays Aldn Fenwick, Machar, McIntyre, Wilson 4

Ald Thompson was excused from voting

[margin] MFcc [/margin] On motion of Ald. [insert] Thompson [/insert] [strikethrough] Gaskin [/strikethrough] seconded by Ald. Gaskin

Resolved, That in the opinion of this Council
the giving power to Municipalities to grant exemption
from taxation or cash Bonuses to Manufacturers of any
kind is wrong in principle and works to the injury of
the Province at large. And that this Council is desirous
and prays to have the Municipal Act relating thereto
abolished and that the City clerk be instructed to
forward a copy of this resolution to the Honorable the
Attorney General of Ontario for his consideration and

On motion the Council adjourned
M. Flanagan
City Clerk

W.M. Drummond

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