


Status: Complete

Ald. Osborne moves seconded by Ald. Machar

That the Electors be asked whether they are willing
to have the law amended so as to exempt all buildings of every
description to the extent of $400 as owners of property who
are only assessed below the value of $400 are not allowed
to vote at Municipal elections- but taxing all land, occupied
or unoccupied at its full market value -- which being put
was [underline] lost [/underline]

Yeas The Mayor, Aldn Machar, Minnes, Osborne, Redden
Rees 6.

Nays Ald. Anglin, Creegan, Fenwick, Gaskin,
Muckleston, McCammon, McIntyre, W. Robinson,
Steacy, Swift James, Swift Jos. F., Thompson, Webster,
Wilson 14.

On motion of Ald Thompson seconded by Ald W Robinson

Ordered, That the City Treasurer be instructed to prepare
a statement showing the amount of premiums received by the
City from the sale of local improvement Debentures the names
of those assesed for local improvement drains and the amount
that each is entitled to for their share of Premium and that the
amounts be paid to those entitled to them by the City Treasurer.

A Communication from Bassam and Milne was read
asking permission to erect a steam engine in their
Steam Laundry Princess street formerly Medical College.
Referred to the Committee on Fire, Water and Light with power
to act

Ald Gaskin introduced a By Law to establish and open
up certain streets in the continuation of and connecting certain
public streets in the City of Kingston which was read a first

Ald. Gaskin moves seconded by Ald. Redden

That the 30 Rule of Council be suspended and
the Council go into Committee of the Whole on the second
reading - which being put was [underline]carried [/underline]

Ald Fenwick in the Chair

The Council resumed

The Committee rose and the Chairman reported the
second reading of the By Law clause by clause [insert] The prayer asked shall [checkmark] [/insert] - The [?]
Report was received-

In amendment

Ald. Thompson moves seconded by Ald. Wilson

That the [strikethrough] R [/strikethrough] Arbitrator be appointed by the
Council elected for 1891 in place of Mr James Wilson
named in the By Law as amended- which being put
was [underline] lost [/underline]

Yeas Ald. Fenwick, Machar, Osborne, Redden,
Steacy, Thompson, Wilson 7

Nays The Mayor Alds Anglin, Gaskin Muckleston
McCammon, McIntyre, Webster 7.

The question of receiving the report being put was

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