


Status: Complete


The Chairman from the Select Committee appointed to strike
the standing Committees for the year brought up a Report which was

Ald: Gaskin moves seconded by Ald: LaChance
that the report of the Select Committee for 1891 be
received and adopted _ which being put was lost [Underlined]

Yeas Aldn Dunlop, Gaskin, Herald, LaChance, Muckleston
McCammon, McIntyre, McLeod, Skinner, Swift 10.

Nays the Mayor Ald: Carson, Cliff, Elliot, Hardy, Livingston
Martin, Polson, Rees, Steacy, Thompson, Wilson 12.

Ald: Thompson moves seconded by Ald: Rees
That the following be a special Committee to strike the standing
Committees for the year. Messrs Thompson, Rees, Wilson, Polson, Gaskin
Swift and McCammon _ which was declared out of order

Ald: Thompson moves seconded by Ald: Rees
That the previous motion to strike the standing committees
be reconsidered _ which being put was lost [Underlined]

Yeas Aldn Carson, Cliff, Elliot Hardy, Livingston, Martin
Polson, Rees, Steacy, Thompson, Wilson 11.

Nays the Mayor, Dunlop, Gaskin, Herald, LaChance,
Muckleston, McCammon, McIntyre, McLeod, Skinner
Swift 11.

Ald: Gaskin moves seconded by Ald: LaChance
That the following Committee be appointed to strike the
standing Committees for the Year 1891 Aldn Gaskin, Thompson, McIntyre
Polson, McCammon Elliott and Herald

In Amendment
Ald: Thompson moves seconded by Ald: Rees
That a special Committee to strike the standing
Committees for 1891 be composed of Aldn Thompson, Rees
Polson, Wilson, Gaskin, Swift and McCammon _ which being
put was lost [Underlined] as was also the original motion

Yeas on Amendment 11 Nays 11
Yeas on original motion 11 Nays 11. _

The vote being identical with the last above
recorded Yeas and Nays

Ald: Gaskin moves seconded by Ald: LaChance
That this Council do now adjourn until this
evening at eight OClock _ which being put was lost [Underlined]

Yeas 11 Nays 11.

Ald: Gaskin introduced a By Law to appoint
Auditors for the year 1891 _ which was read a first time

The 30th Rule of Council was suspended and
the Council went into Committee of the whole on the
second reading

Ald: Carson in the Chair
The Council resumed
The Committee rose and the Chairman reported the second
reading of the By Law clause by clause _ the Report was receieved.


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