


Status: Complete


Monday 8 OClock P.M
Kingston January 26th 1891

A Meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the City of
Kingston was held this day Present
His Worship the Mayor
Carson, Cliff, Dunlop, Elliott, Gaskin, Hardy, Herald
LaChance, Livingston, Martin, Muckleston, McCammon
McIntyre, McLeod, Polson, Rees, Skinner, Steacy, Swift
Thompson, Wilson

The Clerk read the Minutes of the two last Meetings

A Communication from James Agnew Esquire, City Solicitor
was read _ Re dead lock in Council _ the Communication was
addressed as follows: _ W.M. Drennan Esq. Mayor Kingston
Ald: Thompson rose to a point of order as follows:
"That the Communication addressed to the Mayor as
"above was not a Communication to the Council _ the Mayor ruled
"against the point of order taken"

Ald: Hardy moves seconded by Ald: Polson
That the ruling of the Mayor be not accepted upon
the City Solicitors Communication _ which being put was lost.

Yeas Aldn Carson, Cliff, Elliott, Hardy, Livingston, Martin
Polson, Rees, Steacy, Thompson, Wilson 11

Nays the Mayor Aldn Dunlop, Gaskin, Herald, LaChance,
Muckleston, McCammon, McIntyre, McLeod, Skinner
Swift 11

A Communication from A R Pratt was read asking for the position
of Plumber _ there was no action taken thereon

x Ald: McIntyre moves seconded by Ald: Skinner
that the Communication of the City Solicitor to the Mayor
be now discussed _ which being put was lost. Yeas 11 Nays 11.

On Motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: McIntyre
Ordered, that in the interest of the City and with a view to
bringing the dead lock which is an obstruction to the progress of Civic
affairs, to an end, this Council is of the opinion that a compromise be
effected as soon as poosible_ therefore be it resolved that a Committee
to strike the Standing Committees be formed of three reformers and three
Conservatives _ viz Aldn. Thompson, Rees, Polson, McIntyre, McCammon
and the Mover and that they proceed to bring in a Report immediately
after the adoption of this resolution

The Committee adjourned to strike the Committees.
The Committees reported verbally they failed to agree on the striking of
the Committees

On Motion of Ald: Gaskin seconded by Ald: Thompson
Ordered, that this Council do now adjourn

[Left Column]
M Flanagan
City Clerk

[Right Column]
W.M. Drennan

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