


Status: Complete


Yeas: The Mayor Aldmn Allen, Curtis, Gaskin, Hardy, Horn, Martin, Meek,
Mundell, McIntyre, McKelvey, W Robinson, Wright - 14
Nays: Aldmn Behan, Carson, Elliott, G Robinson, Ryan - 5

The Budget was then taken up clause by clause. The Report number 1178
being taken as read

In amendment to clause Collector's Salary in Budget
Ald Meek moves seconded by Ald Elliott
That the Collector of Taxes be paid by per centage on his collections as
follows: On the amount paid to him between the time the rolls of 1894 are
placed in his hands and November 1st one half percent; on the amount paid
to him between November 1st and February 1st two percent; on the amount
paid him between February 1st and April 1st one and a half percent; and on the
amount paid to him between April 1st and the time the rolls are returned, one percent
which being put was carried.

In amendment to clause City's Clerks salary in Budget
Ald W Robinson moves seconded by Ald Ryan
That the City Clerks salary be as in former years T.E. $1900 which put was
Yeas: Aldmn Allen, Behan, Carson, Curtis, Elliott, Hardy, Horn,
Martin, Meek, G Robinson, W Robinson, Ryan, Skinner,
Walkem- 14
Nays: The Mayor Aldmn Gaskin, Mundell, McIntyre, McKelvey,
Richardson, Wright - 7

Ald Ryan moves seconded by Ald Richardson
That a grant of $100 be made to the Hotel Dieu which being put was

The Yeas and nays being taken on the adoption of the Item $1500 Appropriation
Public Parks are as follows:
Yeas: The Mayor Aldmn Allen, Curtis, Gaskin, Hardy, Horn, Mundell, McIntyre,
Richardson, G Robinson, W Robinson, Skinner, Walkem, Wright - 14
Nays: Aldmn Behan, Carson, Elliott, Martin, Meek, McKelvey, Ryan - 7

Ald Walkem moves seconded by Ald Meek
That the Midland Central Fair Association be granted $300 provided
the County Council make a similar grant which being put was lost
Yeas: Aldmn Behan, Curtis, Horn, Martin, Meek, Mundell, McIntyre,
Richardson, Ryan, Walkem- 10
Nays: The Mayor Aldmn Allen, Carson, Elliott, Gaskin, Hardy, McKelvey,
G Robinson, Skinner, Wright - 10

On motion of Ald McKelvey seconded by Ald McIntyre
Ordered, That the Budget as amended be adopted.

Ald McKelvey introduced a By law to levy a rate of 17-1/2 mills on the dollar
upon the assessed value of the rateable property in the Municipality of the City
of Kingston for the lawful purposes of the Municipality for the year 1894 which
was read a first time.
The 30th Rule was suspended and the Council went into Committee
of the Whole on the second reading.
Ald Richardson in the Chair.
The Council resumed.
The Committee rose and the Chairman reported the second reading
of the By Law clause.


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