


Status: Complete

December 12, 1917.

Mr dear Mr. President:—

During the past two weeks I have been in close
touch with the Russian Ambassador and have given a great
deal of ny time to studying the Russian situation. It is
apparent that with Germany's present method of procedure
she is planning to dominate Russia as soon as complete
disorganization of the Russian Army is effected. Should
she accomplish this purpose, with the resources of Russia
back of her, she could continue the war indefinitely, or
she could make such peace terms on the West as the Allies
might require and amply repay herself from the resources
of Russia, and thus end the war the real victor.

Notwithstanding the demoralization of Russia, a
large portion of the population is sound and can be utilized
as a basis for the redemption of Russia, if not as a fighting
force, in any event as a permanent great Democracy. To accom-
plish this purpose however, inmediate and far-reaching efforts
by ourselves and our Allies will need to be undertaken and
carried through at a great expense. A practical method of
carrying out such a procedure I think has been worked out
by the Ambassador and by me. I have discussed the situation
with several members of our Russian Commission and they agree
with us. I have also briefly discussed it with Mr. Lansing
and Mr. McAdoo who concur. The necessity of undertaking im-
mediate and far-reaching plans is very pressing.

I wonder if you could see me for a few moments on
Thursday, if not any other day you may name, or, if you prefer,
a meeting with several members of the Commission could be
arranged. I thirk you know that I would not suggest intruding
upon your time now, except for the vital importance of this
matter. My address in Washington will be the Shoreham Hotel.

Please believe me,
Faithfully yours

S R Beetson

The President,
The White House
Washington, D. C.


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