


Status: Complete



[margin]Jan 11th 1879[/margin]

Queen's University January 11th 1879

The Senate met and was constituted.

Sederunt Principal Grant, Professors Williamson,
Mowat, Mackerras, Dupuis, Ferguson,
and Watson.

The minutes of the last meeting held
November 7th were read and approved.

subjects of matriculation
in English

The Senate appointed the following as
the subjects of the matriculation in English:
Critical analysis of Paradise Lost Book I, II: [?]
ting from dictation: Composition - a short essay
on some prescribed subject.

subjects of Latin &
Greek matriculation

The Senate appointed the following on
subjects of the matriculation examination in Latin
and Greek for the next three sessions, viz
Latin - cic. pro Archia
Vir. Ec I, IV, VI, VII.
Ov. Fasti Bk I. vv. 1-300
Translation from English into Latin prose
Greek - Xen. Anob. Bk II
Hom. H. Bk VI
Latin - Cic in Catilinam II.III
Vir. Ec. I. IV. VI. VII
Ov. Fasti Bk I vv 1-300
Translation form English into Latin prose
Greek - Xen. Anob. Bk II
Hom. H. Bk IV
Latin - Cic in Catilinam II. III.
Ov. Fasti Bk I. vv 1-300
Vir. Aen. Bk I. vv 1-804
Greek - Xen. Anab Bk V
Hom. H. Bk IV
Translation from English into Latin Prose.

examination of essay
on emis. to India

The Principal and Prof. Ferguson were approved
to examine the competitive essays on the omission of
Britain to India

[margin]Library curators[/margin]

Professors Mowat and Ferguson were reelected
Curators of the Library.

[margin]curators of R room[/margin]

The Secretary reported that at a meeting of
the students held by appointment of the

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