


Status: Complete

JULY 25.
A very nice day. I cut the two little
pieces of alfalfa near the barn and mowed
around the edges with a scythe in the forenoon
and the boys worked at taking off the poles
and putting on wire from the house south
to the lake and in the afternoon we replaced
the two bottom poles with one wire clear around to the
S E corner of the NW cornfield then put one on the south side of it.

JULY 26.
Nice as ever but getting pretty dry.
Mother Lill and I went to the Crous and Show. Saw
a fine collection of animals and a very good
circus performance. Lew put up the hay that
I cut yesterday and to night him and Meda
have gone to the circus. Bert went over last
night and made a day of it to day.

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