


Status: Needs Review

[Best rep.?]

[Count of Lands coming? to date?] 6195
[" " Land Titles not yet perfected?] 717
[Note 18 Shaphard tract con-firmed?] [without exhibiting to the court in the manner requird. by law, that such sale of the Real Estate was nescessary for the support & edu-cation of the children who were & still are Minors. Shaphard paid $350. - The Guardians of the chil-dren have agreed to release or convey the interest of the Minors under the authority of the Court, to be first obtaind. for the sum of $1000 ~ This Tract is to be purchases, it is expected, by the Turnpike Companies under the authority of their Charter, & in order to carry out the orig-inal agreement of the Citizens of Franklin County.?]
No. 13. Holden Heirs - Tract of _ 300
One of the Heirs, Mr. Porter,
[6195?] [1017?]

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