Page 33




Status: Complete

The unit with the most considerations is the tuner. Again features of operation are probably the dominant decision factor. It's amazing that so few offer Auto-Reverse. I've been told by Magnolia salesman that AR reduces fidelity because [?] must be compromised to read in both directions. BUT I WANT IT, and that reduced the selection quite severely.

But Sony was still in the running. And Fisher still has no Auto-Reverse, but their system has two decks now. But I don't do audio tape copying. And I want GAP Search.

So I asked the dealer about Sony, and he recommended it highly. And it comes in black. And Compact Disk Player is only 15" wide so it could fit next to "[?]7" stuff in my bookshelves. A SONY "SYSTEM." And it has remote control of all components, so it's integrated like RCA stuff is.

I have installed the receiver, and I have to pickup the tape player + turntable in the next few days.

ARTS/PLANTS for dining room

While I was in Pioneer Square I wanted to check out all the galleries. Most offer me very little. But one had a Vaserelie Serigraph which was great. Lots of shape and color. So I bought a Vaserelie book and I will decide about buying that soon.

And I must get some plants for the dining room too.


I also went downtown to Diamond Resources to tell them about the jewelry I lost. The gold chain bracelet, and watch came to a total of $925. And pleasantly what I thought was a $500 limit has been increased to $1000, so I get it all.

Also the $100 limit on cash + gold coins has been increased to $200 helping to cover loss of gold coin. I must reorder that coin this week.

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