Page 54




Status: Complete

THURS 6/20

MORNING + AFTERNOON: installed burglar alarm on back window + door. October 1984 Consumer Reports had article on protecting your home, including burglar alarms. They didn't rate them but gave the characteristics by which to evaluate them. But in the recommendations they said that the Radio Shack 49-450 was typical of the better do-it-yourself systems.

There are two categories of alarms, the perimeter detector, and interior detectors. I'm interested in the former because it seems more secure, and sounds an alarm before intruder has gotten inside. It's a little more tough to install but I have only one window + door to protect. And interior sensors can be set off accidentally by me or the cat, if they're usually left on as I'd prefer doing.

I got a hard wired system because it's probably more reliable, definitely cheaper, and not a problem for just 1 indow.

The sensors I got are N.C. magnetic ones

Control unit has key operated switch, and entry/exit variable delays if I need 'em.

Overall, I'm very happy with the Radio Shack system

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