Page 82




Status: Complete

Now I want to be innovative, but I want to do it through people. I can't program anymore except for reports maybe since there's nothing major left to learn, about technology or interfaces.

But can I do it through people? Do I have the skills? They will take time and work to develop. But I will only work 50 hours a week from now on. And that excludes my own personal accounting. I must live like others do. I want to work here when others do. But the offices are no sound proofed + too small. The only exception will be mornings when I exercise but that will mean working later in the evening, but maybe at home, reading trade journals, etc.

[crossed out] BE HERE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE DURING THE WORKING DAY, AND SPEND THE TIME WITH PEOPLE. [/crossed out] (8/8 First I must gain social confidence, by working on this outside of work.)

That's a big change in behavior, but it makes sense. I must not get carried away by my work, I must keep my "people" goals

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