Page 87




Status: Complete


Woke up at 5:00 wondering about going to SF?


all that traveling/disorientation

I don't know anyone there well

lack of self-confidence alone.

I don't need a vacation right now

But I got up at 5:30 and started to have breakfast thinking I could still leave by 6:00 and get to airport by 6:45 but it got too late.

Then I realized I probably couldn't have gotten 1st class upgrade on the 6:45 flt because its cheaper M-class fare. I could still go at 7:45 but that would mean not going to Muscle Systems before party.

So I got ready, showered, and left for airport. But as I drove there, I noticed how ugly the zits on my arms look today. Vic even noticed them at dinner last night.

And I haven't spent time here lately. I don't really want to spend time with Vic, but I don't need to go to San Francisco to avoid him. As I traveled south on the freeway, I realized I could go to Portland for the weekend instead. Get there by 11:00, lay in the sun, exercise, dinner with someone.

And on the way I can think about Personal Accountant.

Going on the 7:45 would cost $350, car would be $70, room $50, and that's just for two days. I want to be here Monday.

And most of the people there will be from SF. Why explore that?? I know I can't live there.

It's beautiful weather here now. I can always move to California, but now I need to do the Northwest this beautiful, sunny weekend, and think about Pers Acct. (Great Decision (6/89)!)

Well its after 7:45 now.

Off to Portland!

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