Page 19




Status: Complete

Very important

Fri Aug 1 '86

Feeling pretty crummy about my summer. Primarily because I'm not invited to go waterskiing with Mike Hallen & Dave Gentry.

Mike was leave as I ate breakfast and I noticed a short person with him who I thought was Steve Segal.

What bugged me was that I wasn't quick enough to make an excuse like getting my mail or the WSJ to go find out, since I'd only glimpsed him! Then Mom called and bored me. What awful timing!

8:45 I remembered Mike said they were going to the gym first, so I went too and recognized the clothes and it wasn't Steve Segal.

I was simply curious and I don't like missing a thing.

9:00 Haircut at Chaira's

Forgot wallet, so home & back

10:00 To work. Hard to get into it as I felt I have so few friends, and I don't associate with people I work with, and yet I put so much time into my work.

I looked at Windows terminal and decided it's no really a great place to put my time & energy.

I never use communications personally anymore and its features are boring.

I also realized that boating is expensive and therefore it's tough to get into it, and take advantage of it, except by ferry tanning and tacky tourist cruises.

Debug sssave code.

Felt much better, and at end of day I realized I had accomplished something. If I'd gone boating I would've had a fun memorable time, but warm weather lasts only one more month!

Then it's 8 months to May, and this year May was very wet & cloudy.


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