Page 28




Status: Complete

They was Bob Ball, Jim Mooney, Bill Piotter, and Ken Bible. On Monday of the next week, I finally turned my thoughts to Editx-11 for the PDP-11; I studied the probability of other similar editors being written, or competition. None. But then I contracted a carbuncle and was out of it for another week. It was the weekend of Seafair races so I was bummed out. But not so bad. I recovered and while doing so watched all the TV I could care to, and read some magazines. Then Thursday to the Doctor + I started to have some good feelings again. Thursday + Friday I planned the near future + Saturday wrote letters (ISI Aug 9) [note to right] TWO WEEKS END [/note]. Sunday I relaxed at the Beach + Monday I read at the beach. Then Tues I met Steve. Oh "the first time ever I saw his face," and lay with him, etc. etc. It was great. I was ecstatic. I did contract another carbuncle and it turned out it was due to the swimsuit I was wearing. It wasn't nearly as painful as the first and I could

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