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difficult time on Sunday. I met no one I liked and consequently was unhappy. I did meet some guy and his lover and had dinner with 'em at hamburger on Mary's and then we went to the Endup which was hot and congested. They drove me home afterwards and that was a terrible day. The next day was a holiday, Washington's birthday and I attempted to decide what the hell was going on. I was somewhat pissed too that I was spending so much money for an apartment (435/mo) and not really enjoying it due to a lack of furniture.

I decided to make use of whatever money I was spending, ie, for an apt, for Stanford, and spend time with friends. And on Tuesday I realized that not only do I have to have sex but friends also and maybe love will develop out of this. I worked on a CS 144A midterm on Tues + Wed and then got sick with the flu. I was in

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