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Then to Hamburger Mary's. I had a huge omelette. When we returned I went to the phone + called Stanford School of Engineering and found out I'd been "cleared," put on the graduation list for June. I was so happy. I called Mark, and we agreed to meet later that day. I was ready to leave the dumpy hotel at Washburn + Mission and head back. I was still pretty woozy. I decided to take a trip on Bart and went out to Concord and back. It was fun. By then it was late Friday afternoon so I went to Sutter's Mill of course and met a guy who'd seen me at the Rendezvous. It really gets around I thought. Well... I only drank Seven Ups there. I was recovering still. I met Mark for dinner, we went to Perry's on Union Street. Mark does have class, a lot in fact. Then we went to "The City" and I came to the realization that Mark is just going to be a good good friend. There was a guy there I could not take my eyes off of. Mark + I then went home, slept and got up for breakfast and lunch and then I took the train back, exercised at

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