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I want to be very carefu. What really is the advantage of ABQ? Money - possibly. Also an increase in personal image. My own image of myself + others image of me. but if I'm not happy that could be a very unpleasant image. I would be a workdog with no lover. Also ABQ is pretty + I have a fine office but that also causes me problems. My office is so pompous. ABQ is my home + I would miss it. I have done so much there. It moves at my pace. It is cold + sunny + warm + sunny. It only rains in the summer in the afternoons. Spring is gorgeous. Oh why are the people too. There is not a wide variety of places to go. No beach except in the spring. And then no one to share it with.

Can the people improve greatly in the next year so I'll want to stay there in ABQ? It's pretty much the same group now as it was a year ago. I have few friends.

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