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Status: Complete

I have finished a lot of good stuff which will be important in getting a job at SDC or someplace similar. 6800 BASIC, + 6502 + knowledge of 8080 + APL + Fortran (by the time I leave). I ahve no nondisclosure agreement, etc. etc. I have lots of marketing experience + practice + administrative talent.

This will turn into a brainstorming session of what to say in my resume or to people directly. I am disciplined + systematic enough not to forget anything to do. I am patient and willing to spend time being disciplined. I am cautious + have learned how not to get me or my people out on a limb.

I am a good programmer. A good designer. A good researcher. I want dearly to live in Santa Monica. I have a Stanford education with prep school background. I have quite a few other interesting experiences. Being unmarried is helpful in making

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