Page 125




Status: Complete

4:15 Try to sleep, but just rest

7:15 ------
[blue]Write in here about yesterday aftereve.
Feels like I got the essentials, but key
is that thoughts on it are in my head now.[/blue]


See [pink]Steve Markham here.[/pink] Invite to Seattle.
La Fleur + WSJ.
[pink]Someone stole my Guess Jeans + Green Sweather!
So I can't go out to dinner with Bill K...
Call Mark D. He's 10 yrs younger than I, but I
still could've apprec'd him more...[/pink] [comment]and possibly gotten more out of it.[/end comment]


12:00 Pack. Checkout. Walk to Muni but
they want exact change, and no change machines!
Back to car since I need to drive to Tower Rec too.
Hard time [pink]parking downtown. Public Pkg is $2/20 min!![/pink]
[yellow]See Pacific Stock Exchange at 301 Pine and
the building (behind it) at 220 Bush for options.
PAC is much older + not visitor guidance plaques.
Viewing area is just up some steps from entrance.[/yellow]
Go get car. So many banks in Fin'l District.
Lunch at [pink]Ciaos, also expense $16 + tip for soup + Tuttemare
This part of town is not for me. I don't fit,
and the expense of it tells me to stay away.[/pink]
Called Mark Offtor UAL + said I'd probably go at 9 PM.

3:15 Off to Tower Records. Sylvester.
Get Prices. [pink]Sngl king: Marriott $182, Ramada $142-170.[/pink]
Not cheap. [pink]Walk Bay St, sort nice + handy.

4:00 Drive around Fishermans Wharf area a bit +
saw residences nearby. Not bad, but[/pink]
So far from Midnight Sun
Lots of tourists on sidewalks, shops, cafés.
[pink]Drive along the Embarcadero, to South Beach.
Wound up on Brannan, so look at Bricks. Ok inside, not out.[/pink]

4:30 So I've seen everything I've wanted to in SF.
[pink]Head for Gold's gym in Oakland. Nice mix.[/pink]
Call Mark + say we should skip tonite since
we both have things to do. (And I would feel
awkward sleeping either near or with him.)

7:00 Shower with Kent. My uncontrollable #10.
But I want to try to make plane, so say bye.
Chinese dinner. Too late to fly at 9 PM.
[pink]Drive south, over SM bridge, to Mountain View.

10:00 Check in at Rickey's Hyatt, after all these years.


Think about SF from a distance.[/pink]
Add some names from phone directory to SF list,
while cleaning up the directory a bit.
[pink] - just don't see how they can spend so much
time in that dinky, cluttered city. YAWN...[/pink]

2:15 To bed.

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