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trust myself to come up with good plans of action. So then if I want to show more concern for myself I must take time to dream, but not necessarily to think. Shun anyone like Gates who gets in the way of my dreams.

I guess I have been too technical for awhile and lost sight of this. But now I must remember to keep it around and balance it with my technical capabilities!

Above all, I guess I should obey Self 2. If it says one thing it probably means it. Like if I get a negative impression about going out. But Self 2 can be wrong. So let it learn. Don't kick it too much. Don't be afraid to make mistakes or to make a mess. (Remember seeing ROSE w/ Bill Glass; appropriate.)

It is important not to confuse DREAMS w/ DRIVE. Do things that feel good so long as Self 2 knows about it. But don't force it. "Follow your feelings Luke."

A result of this is that you know yourself better. But the best way is implied by "Actions speak louder than words."" That is, know what you can DO. Don't be confident in your dreams but in your real abilities. As you merit them.

TRUST Your Computer/Spirit.

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