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Status: Complete

Analysis during Summer '80
[Note] see corner [with arrow pointing to lower previous page /note]

Given the analysis of last November and the events of December (scrambled seats, and meeting Bill Glass "The Rose") I ended up staying at HBS. Didn't really have anywhere to go. The Winter "1/4" there was fun and educational and I reaped much from the seeds I planted in the fall. Those activities are memoired in the papers I brought back with me which describe my feelings chronologically. (See the calendars, and various notes; it seems to me that my self-awareness had peaked, and plateaued.) I wintered at the Harvard Bus. School.

Nevertheless, as soon as I returend from vacation to start the Spring, my attitudes were very different, and some very negative things began to occur. I will recount those things, but before I do, I want to briefly describe the perspective I have at this time.

It is July 1980, the start of a very mellow summer to end a three year period. It is like an oasis in which i can stop a moment, looked around detached [Note inserted later] Kind of like Spring '01 [/note], and writ up where I think I am. It is time to let things settle out. In the last 3 months I have moved here to Orange County where I plan to live indefinitely, and have started to let my roots grow, even socially. In fact the last 1/2 of Spring 1/4 was lots of fun. Now I am having a pleasant summer and feel stable. It is time to recount, analyze, and prepare for future opportunities.

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