Page 142




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Dealing with the last one first, I have always been on just to keep things in order. Only when things get really bad do I start to look out around myself, find something which I intuitively feel very strongly about and then setttle in to that. I like working collaboratively, trying to help and keep things going and will be very supportive so long as I am paid more money than I can spend and have fund things to spend it on. There's just no reason to be so competitive. I don't like making others lose for my gain. It was a little fun at tennis this past spring but it gets old... It just doesn't bring me back to play again. Not like the sun and fun do.

The other two can be arranged on a matrix as shown on the following page. Notice that many things can be substituted on the continuum of tractability. These are from very critical segments of the space so defined and each box has my feelings about that area.

In this regard, I have realized that I do like to keep the two, work and play separate [Noted later in red ink] Do so in diaries? 5/89 [/note], having different times and places for them. I like having an office to go to, if I am to work all day long.

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