Page 4




Status: Complete

But the ultrakey thing is not
to get involved in any new
projects at Microsoft. Don't
put pressure on myself, because
I want to get away from it.

Most of all, don't think I can
get power, by acquiring other
products for Microsoft. The only
products I've done well on are
things I've cared about. I can't
program nyself to get excited
about Project Manager, Flight
Simulator, a Business Game, etc.

I can't do management [inserted above- or DESIGN] until
I have [highlighted in yellow]
1) a home & geographic roots (inserted above- Get these first)
2) better climate for high- pr?ss?re job
3) friends & a lover
[previous 1-3 bracketed and line drawn to top of page with added text reading-
5/89 I must have thought these would allow me to develop sufficient social skills to be able to manage.][ highlighted in yellow}
Where can I get these? [highlighted in yellow] Well,
I've been traveling to SF & LA
a lot lately and what can I
decide? They are the only choices
since I should stick to the West
Coast, and those are the only cities
with fun gay gyms, etc.

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