Page 7




Status: Needs Review

8/85: I should do more for social things from now on,
LA but has shows, [ ? ], etc.
The real question for any move is
what do I want to do there?
LA's big plus is the cute hunky guys.
But after you meet them, what do
I you do with them? There's no
countryside to drive out to, no
mountains nearby to hike in,
although, there are some big hills,
And there's palm springs, but I,
wouldn't want to make a habit of it.
The beaches get boring, even in Laguna,
On the last trip, I kept asking "Is
there a nice part of X " where X =
{ Silverlake, Venice, Culer City} to which
Jorge could always answer " you're in it."
Which brings us to the people there
& how to meet them, Jorge was very good
for me living in Santa Monica,
be in Silverlake. I like Santa Monica,
It's very different from most of the
Coastal towns, Incidentlly, when I
say LA, I mean just 405 to Labren
& Olympic thru Beverly Hills, Santa Monica
is too far from gyms, bars, friends.
But West Hollywood is fine to start with,
and have Bev. Hill as a goal.

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I believe this is a duplicate of page 5 which has already been transcribed.