Page 22




Status: Complete

RESOLUTION [red box around]

I can't see leaving Microsoft
before Mid-November when
Personal Accountant Prototype
is done. I want to finish the [last 5 words highlighted in yellow]
prototype for my own use [for my own use- highlighted in yellow]
and to complete the project.

Furthermore, I obviously have
no strong love for either LA or
SF, as places to live in,
so even if I am missing meeting
cute hunks, I'm probably not missing
much romance. [red box starting at the word-even- to end of sentence. Highlighted in yellow from -I'm- to end of sentence. Text inserted in red near cute-GOOD] Nor can I even
choose one over the other.

The experience in Seattle has been
significant, necessary & efficient,
and well-balanced ever since I got here.
But I wouldn't have moved here
had it not been for the work. Same is
true for ABQ, Boston, even Orange County. [sentence highlighted in yellow starting with the word -I]
I have to finish the prototype to
complete the project.

But the prototype turning into
a product is another project. It's
like when I took over from Russ
or Ken Seidel. To pump new blood in.

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