Page 61




Status: Needs Review

Even though Boom is busy, there are
always lots of [yellow]trolls, chicken, and rich
old grey daddies[/yellow] around. That really
reduces the impact
that place can have.
And it's really tough to get to know
someone there because the music is
so loud, and the atmosphere is pure

7-9 Goto Party at 678 Cliff near Las Brises.
Meet a fun group mostly from SF. Blond
with turquoise neck kerchief named
[yellow]Calvin Marcus.[/yellow] (Neiman Marus). They
made me drive their limo because I was
they only sober one, and made me go
through Jack in the Box! They were fun.
"Jump" was playing at full blast as we
sat at the ordering station. Then we
decided not to buy anything but
went through the pickup window anyway,
and waved + blow kisses!
[margin]u-turns in the SS Town car[/margin]

9-10 Drink at Boom.

10-11 Dinner at Tortilla Flats.

11-12 Walk on Beach.

12-2 Boom. Cape Codders. Packed. [yellow]Glad I was not alone![/yellow]

2-4 Take Calvin home + [ploy?]
straight buddies + bears.

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