


Status: Complete

Advisory Board 1/14/76

*report on groups
- by next advisory board mtgs

- Sunday-Mecha meeting
- get Cinco de Mayo Committee
- opening in Mecha board
- Newsletter

- Community meeting- tomorrow

- $1300 - ASSU
$100 - Wells Fargo
- find fundraisers
change work-study position into fund-raiser (?)

- dance for (high school) should vote
- vote at Mecha meeting Valentine
w/ alternatives

- smaller dance (disco) - possibly at I-center or Tresidder or Clubhouse
- Stanford Oriented

- Camarillo - film series

- budget for MEChA
Wednesday - deadline for groups budgets

-Van funding - pooling together of vans
next Wednesday at noon - Hector & Jose will discuss
alternatives for van use
there will be no official Mecha van if pool is used.

- Karen Murray will meet Carlos Jackson about
funding of Orientation (minority)

Committee on student services
- still exists overt racist acts on students
- we must document examples

- get list of students + organizations

- Tillie will write in "Daily"
- needs "feedback"

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