


Status: Complete

MEChA meeting 2/22/76

Approved an increase of $50 for Scientist + Engineers
w/ knowledge that Cinco de Mayo funding would be
probably be a maximum of $350.
so new Budget Pre-Med - 125
Pre-Law - 100
Sci. + Eng - 100
Ch. Colectiva - 50
Ch. Press - 150
Barrio Asst. - 125
$650 - total


Report Work Study Comm.
next week will evaluate work-study positions.
discussion on whether Alex McSweya needed a position.
if so, give it to him. if not, que sea para otro
(maybe Scientists + Eng.)
possibly divide position into two - Cinco de Mayo Coord.
- Scientists + Eng. Coord.
Mickey Ramos asked for evaluation from each position
He will hand out a form next MEChA mtg.

Retreat - try to get funding for off-campus retreat
5-10 different locations
if this is unfeasible, then on-campus alternative
Melanie Orendain
Angie Briones
Debbie Reed
Sylvia Coral

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