(seq. 227)




Status: Needs Review

The thirteenth the Ape & Monkey Kind, with Hands
and with feet resembling hands

The fourteenth of winged Quadrupedes of the bat Kind
the Bat, Flying Squirrels & some other Varieties

Those which seems to make distinct Species are
the Elephant, the Rhinoceros the Hippopotamos,
the Camelopard, the Camel, the Bear, the Badger
the Tapir, the Cabiai, the Coati, the Antbear, the
Tatou & the Sloth

Horses impoverish Land because the cut [?], but
Cows having eight cutting teeth only in the lower Jaw, and
therefore crops and keep down the Shrubs - The Age
is determined by the number of Rings one for every
Year after three

Cows [?] the [bud?] - Animals of this Property are
the most harmless & easily tamed & lives entirely on
Vegetables & this Diet being more easily acquired renders
them more indolent - these all have then [?]
long where as those of carnivorous Animals are short
Nature has generally furnished graminivorous animals
with four stomachs, the first is called the Paunch
which receives the food after being slightly chewed, 2 the
[?]comb, a continuation of the former, these [?] the

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