(seq. 235)




Status: Complete

Flesh impure, manners fierce, food flesh

they are of five kinds - The eagle kind, the Hawk
the vulture the horned owl, the Screech owl, their toes
separated legs feathers beak short [thin?] & crooked

The Eagle kind, beak straight except just at the End
The Vulture kind by [?] head & [?] he is without feathers
The Hawk kind, beak hooked from the very Root
The horned owl by the feathers of the [Bill?] standing forward
The Screech owl, by no other difference from the last
but being without the horn feathers

The ostrich Emu, Casuwary, Dodo seem not
to belong to any Class but to be Species of themselves

The [?] of Eagles are the golden Eagle, the common,
the bald Eagle, the white eagle, the tough footed, the
white tailed, the [?], the black, the Sea Eagle, the
osprey, Jean le blanc, Eagle of Brasil, the [Oroonoko?]
the crowned [?] & the Pondicherry eagle
The [?] of America, of the [?] & Vulture kind

The species of Vulture, are the Golden, the ash [?]
& the brown of Europe, the spotted & the black of Egypt
The bearded the brazilian & the King of the Vultures
of South America

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