


Status: Needs Review

Brought forward 27439 928
To the Church Warden for the use of Widow Stephens 1000 is 1162
to Elizabeth Morton for Burying John Armisted 200
To the Church Warden for Rebeckah Pruit 520
To the Collector for Insolvents and persons twice Listed 700
To Edmond Allen for keeping his Son 600 24?
To the Church Wardens for John Wess an Infant 400 1?
To Tho. Jennet for keeping John Pike an Infant till Laying next parish Levy 900 30?
To Ja: Hatcher for making benches at Church 120 Neet is 139
32060 101
Cash added 1012
To commission on 34656 @ 6 per ct. is 2079
Henrico parish Credit
By 1083 Tithables at 32 lb Tob'o per pole is 34656
By Ballance due to the Collector 495
James Cocke Church Warden produseth an Account of Two pounds
two shillings and Eleven pence Current Money by him paid for repairs done
to the Chappel. It is ordered that Richard Randolph Gent' do pay him the
Said Sum out of the parish Money in his hands.

James Powel Cocke Gent. produseth his Account against the parish
wherein it appears that Eight Shillings Current Money is due to him for
Mending the Church Windows. It is ordered that Richard Randolph Gent'
do pay him the Same out of the parish Money in his hands.

Mr. William Fuller is appointed Collector of the parish Levey this year
and it is ordered that he do receive of every Tithable person in the Said parish
thirty two pounds of Tob'o according to Law and that he pay the Several Allowances
above mentioned to the respective persons to whom it is due. Bowler Cocke and
John Poval Gent' enter themselves Security.
Ja Powel Cocke}
James Cocke }

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The right hand column figure brought forward can be seen on the previous page but enough of the right hand edge of the page is missing that I cannot reconstruct the amounts totaling 101.