


Status: Needs Review

At a Vestry held at the Courthouse for Henrico parish ye 6 day of Ju[ly] [page torn]
Present. Richard Randolph. James Po. Cocke, Bowler Cocke, John
Povall, William Fuller James Cocke and John Williamson Gent
It is ordered that Mr. William Fuller the parish Collector do
Sell what Tobacco he now hath in his hands belonging to the
parish, this day at publick Sale for Cash to the higher Bider
and the he Sell the Remainder of the said parish Tobacco
he hath not yet Collected in Like manner at Aug't Court next
James Po. Cocke} Church
James Cocke } Wardens

At a Vestry held for Henrico Parish the Seventh day of Decem'r 17 [page torn]
Present. The Rev'd Mr William Stith. James Pol. Cocke and James [page torn]
Gent. church Wardens. Richard Randolph John bolling Bowler Cocke
John Redford. John Povall, William Fuller and Peter Randolph G't Vestry[men]

Dr Henrico Parish for the year 1741
To the Rev'd Mr. William Stith his Sallery and Cask 166[40]
To Sack Brewer Reader 178[0]
To Do. as Clerk of the Vestry 45[?]
To Do. for Insolvents in Anno. 1740 21[?]
To John Eals Reader 178[0]
To John Hopson Sexton 53[0]
To Elenor Williams the Same 530
To the Church Wardens for Benj'a Goode blind 800
To Do. for Rebecca Pruit 600
To Do. for Elenor Green 250
To Do. for Comunion Bread and Wine 344
To Mary North for Keeping Mary Burnet 896
To Edmond Allen for his Son and Ideot 536
Carryed over 25378

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The right hand edge of the page is frayed and some of the tens digits are missing from the amounts. I was able to verify the carried forward from the next page and some of the others from the previous accounting.


Line 20 is for the Rev. Mr. Stiths salary and "casks". From this and I think an earlier reference, the casks column seen in earlier accounts appears to be for the cost of the casks needed to hold the tobacco being allocated.