


Status: Complete

August 15, 1942

Dear [Tom?].

I have been meaning to write you but events of late have kept me busy day and night. I was on Special Duty at Staten Island for two weeks and was able to get home on an average of 2 or 3 in the morning. Since the setbacks of Russia the activity in the Ports has multiplied and no longer are policies half-hearted. It goes without saying it should have been that way long ago.

I hear from Ricky every now and then. Lady fortune has smiled upon him for he is no longer stationed down at [Mono?] Bay but is now stationed in San Francisco and living at home. He is in luck and I am glad for his mother. She has a house in [Athens?] again this summer. I'll bet Stanford has been perfectly lovely these past few months. Where we are in Brooklyn is very pretty but nothing can compare with the beautiful parts of California. It

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