


Status: Complete

7APR - 67

Slow morning. Trucked in a load
of Booze from the central warehouse
and looked through some more
papers and records.

AOH - Anybody dropping on friendlies
is now automatically grounded til a
review by a Wing Board dispose of you - about

Late entry - We’ve got Milk!
Reconstituted - but more better than
the average Recon - done by a Foremost
Dairy in Danang - Tastes great

Stood the alert from 1600-1900 - got
launched on a DAS Hop with Major
Anthony- 121 XO - Nap & Snakes & 20 [?]
BDA - 2 KBA - 2 KBA PROB -
7 Buildings Destroyed. 1 Partially Destroyed
90% on tgt - (my last two landed right in a
rice paddy) 100% tgt coverage - left
4 hotches Burning -

121 [?] to be decimated - 2 more with
orders - Major Caroll to [?] weapons - Kesky FAC
1/lt Jim Foster HACS - club office
Sgt Purdy - Central [?] [?]
Roy Alverly - [?] - NT.

8 APR - 67

Pinned on Captain’s bars at 11:14 H. -
Major Dawson - now HABS to - DiD THE Honors
Immediately notified Dispersing.

Heard that Jerry Geller is expected
to survive his F-4 ejection (low pull out and
hit a tree) - Damage to both EyES.

Got Pulled off the beach to stand
the 1600-1900 alert. Frank Adams & I launched
on a DAS. Orbited while two F-8s worked over
our target then diverted to cover a med-evac
in Frank’s home territory. Tracers really
started flying- particularly evident as it
got dark. Control was difficult as helo's
just wanted in & out. Finally had ground troops
mark & I Sticked A Full NFR LEVEL DropT
ON A row of Huches. FrIENdLiEs Marked with
tracers & We Bombed & StraFed till Dingo
LEFT 4 Huts BURNINg & 1 [?] - Expended 20
Mk-[?] & 200 rounds 20MM. Good Hop. Hairier
Than most. - Controller [?] 14.

Returned for a late cheeseburger then bed.

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