


Status: Complete

about half way through "In the
Company of Eagles" - GAHH -
Had lunch with Mark Castle and found
[??HQ] O-Club (Brand run & Pluch)
& the new [?]. - Am convinced
the place would lose money hand over foot
if it had to compete commercially.
[?] [?] [?] -

CAPT Bill Mckinley - ITA 6 - 13 O-Club

18 APR -67

Poured rain all day- memories?
Slept late after 0100 TPQ - Spent
whole day running around on club
busness - made arrangements to try
again tomorrow this time with two
Army HUIE's - 2400#

Lost an A-6 (UHA-AU 242 -Danang)
last night - Flew into a mountain-
E-4 lost today to ground fire - Pilot
+ RO ejected an picked up.

UHA-214 transpac slot. returned to
pick up when they left off.- Lost
our tape recorder as Louie Roth was
among them.

HO PT - still sore toe -
Finish hot box tonite and
immediatey Fllfed - looks good - just
enough Cigest leaks out to lite floor
around bed.

Another early TPQ - So early to bed
Bob Tate leaves tomorrow for home &
separation so he's on a last fling.

Still late ground & air action - Only
flew in with 20 Huie's - made a pass
up the beach that was impressive.

Jerry Cook - starts ops O - & C-117 Herchu

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