


Status: Needs Review

2 May -

[S?ed] a day CAS [Close Air Support alert - Jack
Tuttle - close air when some marines 30
south of Da Nang - had 16 HK-S1
and 4 HK-77 - another CAS later -
Things are picking up as predicted.

7 May 1967

Late listings - Harry Sieglenger [?[
out of UK -17 after [?] into GU - It
seems Hydralic Scrubber didn't work - Had
a bad whip lash and hose broke spraying
fuel down the intake - Result - fire -
frozen controls - he puched - Picked up
by Marine helo out of the water [?]
Hue - [?]. He's got a bad stoop
[?] on his neck - must have been on his
back when the chute deployed. Generally
very stiff but OK - UK-17 was one of two
ECM birds we had - too bad -

Then two a day the first four days of
May due to big fight up by Key Sanh -
as predicted something big happened and
will probably continue for some time -
another operation west of Hue started

Friday - 5th - went to Danang and
chatted with Hank Castle about [?] [business?]
then smuggled back 68 cs of booze 8 cs
of cigarettes and misc supplies

Detained as [?] - no bep that day.
Next day sent Jackson up with C-117
and they picked up J2 case freezer
and a small cocktail sink

No replacement yet for Campbell
and its getting tight.

Good hop with Major [hicheualder?] -
CO od H & HS - downed helo [?] -
almost dark and we bombed a ridge
line / sniper - 1 secondary - having
delivery conditions - due to [?] [?]
and mainly friendlies

Must start thinking about moving
although late for - 121 being replaced
by 311 - Sulley & Mac & Ken are going
to [DuaKine?] they loaded out - Plachu,
Joe Heller, Al Karsen. Mike Reeves, Me

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