


Status: Needs Review

8 June 1967

Launched at 0500 another nite alert
with Dan Keller - night DAS with napalm
and HK81 in the side of a hill north of
An Hoi - a bit heavy till it started to
get light as peaks went up to 2000 ft
and we had to run in from the valley
floor - Spooky controlled us & ground
troops marched with a spotlight.

All in all quite a night - stood alert
while 311 had their going away party for
LTCOL [illegible] - then close the bar - slept
from 12:00 - 4:00 - Dan woke me up to
stand the alert - They 'd run out of sober
pilot - we launched soon after -

Slept most of the morning - went
back to squadron about 4:00 - trying
to [illegible] - let [illegible] they ran out
of pilots & planes at the same time -

Good alert at 1100 - Sirens woke
us up rapidly - seems they spotted a
mortar platoon north of the field -
on Ky-Anton-road - possibly fired
3rd rounds - all duds - they only scattered

10 June -

No fly day - slept late and made a
supply trip to Danang for ice machine
chairs & more soda & [illegible]

Flew off the alert Pad yesterday
with Dick Jacobs - Cas north of AN Hoi
HK - 79 & HK - 82's - Dick had HK-81
BDA - 12 structures destroyed - .? hop -
[illegible] rim - Crammed a lot of flying into
45 minutes. -

R & R to Harry King still looks good for the
c&d -

Show at E-club "Beauties & the Beasts"
Tried to get some flash photos - dubious -

Hoping for a hop tomorrow -

Finished [illegible] back [illegible] for C-117
hope to start flying it soon - Cant ? -
taking over for Jerry Cook - looks like
another Mitch/Hunt -

Also think should look into flying HUIE's
34' steel slow and need more flying
time. - Put off submitting resume to
airlines until July - yearly flying time
report is submitted

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