


Status: Needs Review

people & cars - lots of bermdared?
cops - Look sharp -
Hong Kong dolls / U.S 17 to 1
[?] English across [?]
[?] with pictures of Mao Tse Tung
on store fronts

20 June -

After two beers & dinner I hit the
rack early and slept about 10 hours -
Lulled around the local shops but
didn't buy anythine

Today had late breakfast and
walked to "star" ferry - 5c to Hong
Kong Island - Stopped at a few
furniture stores - Lamentedly? good
stuff - But a problem to ship out - Will
have to buy in Okinawa & ship by orders -
Taxied to China Fleet Club and there
[?] shopped most of day - bought
[?] [?] hope lives [?] cloth.
and a gay Cashmere Sweater for myself -
$16.00 U.S. - almost bought red Jansen
ski sweater but they didn't have my size -
Walked around Hong Kong looking for
a place to get Cdn leather gloves fixed
but no luck - Visited Hong Kong Hilton &
bought - [?] attacks & negative viewer for
minox - Plan to return there [?] for
visit to "The Den" which looks like a
swinging scene - Walked back to Star Ferry
& returned to the Paul? Hotel - took
a few pictures but haven't found anything
really worth taking yet.

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