


Status: Needs Review

2 October -

Lazy Day - up at 0500 for early brief
with Dick Bradfield - DAS at Dang Hu
unfortunatly his emergency generator fell out
on take off - and I failed to notice it fell
after he'd dumped & jettisoned [?]
He reported loss of [?] & Fuel Boat lite -
But no other systems - that [?] me off
the track - Finally figured out something
was wrong when he said he was going to extend
generator & it was all ready out. Too late -

I got secondary with Den B, after getting
him on the deck. Uneventful - [?]
[?] split S on the way back -
afternoon ODO - eval [?]
card - late - [?] -

To bed early - 0300 TPQ - Lyt Hock

3-45 -
3rd -

Monsoon has arrived [?] - rain - Tstorm
[?] 030/206 - 28 Most of the Hops
canceled - did get a few Jato TPQs out
Late afternoon and passed that we're moving
to west field ASAP ! - 400 Army Copters
coming in - Spent the rest of the day packing
office gear - Ready Room (Trail bulldozed
out - LSO Schedule set up again for 03
- got 0130 - 0300 -


Skated LSO - no fly due to WX - spent the
day ready VR - 5 [?] "[?] [?] [?]
[?] [?] [?] : - ass savings reading
went over to the [?] [?] [?] afternoon - good
looking hanger but no lights - [?] [?] the
huts built yet. - [?] -

Slept into afternoon due to expected 1000 - 0200
LSO - read in every [?] - the relieved
Major Ellis on O3 - landed and recovery
6 - 2 A - [?] [?] night - spectacular
but the ? smell is styfulling
Receivers more or less uneventful - evidently
only the experienced types are flying these
missions - Sombody shoing some good

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