


Status: Complete

Blank No. 18 Series II. Form B. 8.

22 - Is intercourse agreeable to you or not? Sometimes agreeable - sometimes not -
depending on physical condition.
do you always have a venereal orgasm? usually.
1 - When you do? a) effect immediately afterwards? Sometimes
a feeling of exhaustion - but often followed by wakefulness and
nervousness. But the nervousness is more pronounced when
there is no venereal orgasm.
b) effect next day? none - usually.
2 - When you do not? a) effect immediately afterwards? None.
b) effect next day? None.
23 - What do you believe to be the true purpose of intercourse?
a - necessity to man? yes - physically
to woman? " spiritually
b - Pleasure?
c- Reproduction?
d - What other reasons beside reproduction are sufficient
to warrant intercourse? The marriage relation should
be nearer than any other - sexual intercourse is the means which
brings this about. - - Loving relations have a right to exist between
married people - and - these cannot exist in perfection without
sexual intercourse - to a moderate degree. This is the result
of my experience.


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