


Status: Complete

Blank No. 24 Series II. Form B. 8.

22- Is intercourse agreeable to you or not? do you always have a venereal orgasm?
1- When you do? (a)effect immediately afterwards?
I have been very much in love with my husband and have rather [gather?] cultivated the passion, to effect the "compromise" in this [direction?] that must come in every other when people marry. Except at first conception, I had hardly experienced orgasm until the fifth or sicth year of married life. It does not occur now ahlf the time, but makes intercourse in a sense more agreeable. It makes it also more exhausting if at all intense.

(b) effect next day?
I have seldom if ever found the reaction affecting me the next day.

2- When you do not? (a) effect immediately afterwards?
Effects when at all intense (which is very seldom) the nervous system, noticeably at the base of the [braise?] and in the lumbar region.

(b)effect next day?

23- What do you believe to be the true purpose of intercourse?
a- necessity -to man? ?
-to woman? To none that I have known

b- Pleasure?
d- What other reasons beside reproduction are sufficient to warrant intercourse?
I have thought a good deal about it and am not sure that reproduction is the only function. the marital relation when mutual begets a certain bond of love and sympathy that is certainly peculiar only to those happily mated.

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