


Status: Complete

After death of baby had letter from home saying father and 2 sisters were dead. Cried whole year while carrying next child. This child was a girl (a blue baby) lived 48 hours. 14 months later another girl born (this child [filled?] out this blank) 12 years after marriage. After first 2 confinements labor very short not more than hour. This girl child perfectly healthy and well. Child was was washed and dressed and laid in a draught by nurse; baby took cold and had influenza and nearly died at end of 3 weeks. No childish sickness. This baby kicked mother in night when between 1+2 yrs. old. mother had another miscarriage. Sister born 2 yrs and 9 months younger. Mother only had one pain in labor 2 minutes. This last baby [when?] 2.5 years old had first measles and then whooping cough, then younger child had [dysentery?] which caused her death.
Mother after child's death, had return of old trouble prolapse, she had been on feet constantly with [care?] of sick child. When second surviving daughter was born, mother was 35. This was 2.5 years after. At 42 because pregnant again. Former children had weighed 7 or 7.5 lbs. This child was 10.5 lbs. (Mother hoped this would be twins.)Both too rapid. Muscle in rectum injured so defecation was not controlled for rest of life. In bed 1 month. was well. Baby boy was very delicate, sensitive and nervous. This child was nursed for 2.5 yrs. There were no baby foods in these days. Mother began to teach school. Not enough to eat in these days. Natures paid 25c per week. Taught until over 70 years old. This daughter began to teach at 13 yrs old.

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