


Status: Complete

Blank No.41 Series II Form B. 7.
Mishap I think in August, 1885-no exposure for month following, but must have conceived immediately after next menstruation, for the next boy came June 29,1886. Perhaps he was short time, for I was not so well this time, worked very hard, at housework and care of lively boy, constipation very bad, and when baby came I suffered much more than the first time. The baby was nervous too, and troublesome, though not really sick. Nursed till nine months old weaned him to go to work. Husband's health poor. Menstruated one month after weaning. Husband recovered health in a measure. Next boy came May 31st, 1888. I had been working very hard, and was tired, but was in labor only half an hour, and Dr.Charlotte Blake Brown said it was as normal as any birth she ever saw. A little exhausted after it, and had to stop work for two months, but nursed baby till three months old, then lost milk from dysentery. Child had bronchitis and pneumonia, but now strong man. I think menstruation followed as in other cases.
Fourth boy born June 4, 1890. Perfectly well when carrying him, out of doors, not working last three months, and was in labor twenty minutes. Nursed this boy till fourteen months old. Was only 100 pounds left of me, but well after trip to Hawaii and six weeks rest.

18- Did conception occur by choice or accident? Always an accident. Did not mean to have children for five years in order to study. Practices rule no intercourse ten days after menstruation and three days before, which served my mother with douche immediately after. Did not answer in my case. French method of prevention perfectly successful. See p.4

19- Habit of intercourse, average number of times per week?
Perhaps three times a week for the two weeks supposed to be safe.
per month? per month?

20- Was intercourse held during pregnancy? If so, how often? Occassionally
(b)Had you any desire for it during this period? Generally not, but before birth of third boy did have. Can not see that it affected character of this son. He is perfectly continent at twenty-five.
21- At other times have you any desire for intercourse? Yes.
(a)How often? (b)At what time in relation to you menses
Always strongest a few days before and after menses

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