The String of Pearls (1850), p. 121




Status: Complete

room by herself on a bed. She was a nice girl—a handsome girl, I suppose people would call her, and had a low, sweet, and plaintive voice. But enough of this.

"' She's all right,' said I, when I returned to this room, ' It's all right—have left her.'


"' She isn't dead,' he inquired, with much terror.

"' Oh! no, no !' she is only asleep, and has not woke up yet from the effects of the laudanum. Will you now give me one year's pay in advance?'

"'Yes,' he replied, as he handed the money, and the remainder of the bonds. 'Now, how am I to do about getting back to London to-night?'

"'You had better remain here.'

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