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her vines 6 times already this season. A question
with regard to hot or cold water for cooking peas
elicited the information that it made small difference
when they were young but that all old vegetables should
be put in cold water. The sec. read an account
of the rise and decline of the Iron Mt. Co. of Missouri
In mining phrase the ore has "petered out" entirely
and of 5000 people once engaged at these works but 13
remain surrounded by fine dwellings, churches, halls
schools and lodge rooms given over to bats and spiders
and covered with vines. A second clipping told of the
proposed federation of all the Clubs of Md. women.
No action was taken upon the latter

Adjourned to Rosedale.

Mary Bentley Thomas

The Association met at Rosedale the last 3rd day
in 7th mo, 1899 The secretary was at Ocean
City so Mary E. Moore was appointed for the
day and performed the duty to the extent of
taking home with her a handful of notes. But
alackaday! Although she has spent hours in
the search for them, and looked in every
possible nook and cranny where they might
have been placed for safe keeping, to this day
they have not been found and we can do
nothing but record the fact that the meeting
was duly held and that it was a very
pleasant occasion. It is but just to state that
M. E. Ms. house was full to overflowing at the time of the loss.

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