Page 47




Status: Complete


to have "limer-neck." The treatment to
be a few drops of turpentine in water and
copperas in water. Jogn Bentley says setting
a lantern out will stop roosters from crowing
at untimely hours of the night.
The exhibits were fine and abundant.
The roses were exquisite. Other flowers beautiful
and in great profusion. The report
from the Lima beans from Janes Scablers's of Spring
Garden was that some had finer beans and
others did not see any improvement.
Banan canteleupe good at Rock Spring.
At one place canteleupes were prolific but
tasted like pumpkins. At hermon their
watermelon patch was said three times. John
Bentley put poison in a melon and published
the fact and saved his melons.

No new business.

{1} Is it necessary to bend down broom corn? Most
people say it is best to do it, so keep the straws [strong?].
{2}An orchard bore two crops and since has
failed? Cause unknown. Perhaps something at
the root. Robert Miller's trees which were not.
{3}Sprayed lost the fruit in the same way, the
fruit dropping immaturely.
{3}Are butter beans raised here? As some places. They
are smaller than Limas, come earlier and
are good to use in winter.
{4}When plant onions sets for spring use? September & October.
{5}Currant bushes smothered with weeds, would
it be well to move them to new ground?
It would be better get the weeds out and leave
them; if moved you would lose several
years fruit.

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